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Andrea Zammit

Co-Authors (12)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This radial graph shows the co-authors (inner ring) and top co-authors of co-authors (outer ring) of Andrea Zammit. The size of the red circle around an author's name is proportional to the number of publications that he or she has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Bennett DBennett DKordower JKordower JJacobs JJacobs JKeshavarzian AKeshavarzian AMalfait AMalfait ASchneider JSchneider JShah RShah RSumner DSumner DSwanson BSwanson BHall DHall DKompoliti KKompoliti KPahan KPahan KFleischman DFleischman DAggarwal NAggarwal NArvanitakis ZArvanitakis ZBuchman ABuchman AGaiteri CGaiteri CYu LYu LCole BCole BGitelis SGitelis SPaprosky WPaprosky WWysocki RWysocki RWimmer MWimmer MAppelhans BAppelhans BLynch ELynch EPowell LPowell LHalloway SHalloway SAnsell DAnsell DArfanakis KArfanakis KBernard BBernard BCherian LCherian LDawe RDawe RDugan SDugan SForsyth CForsyth CGattuso PGattuso PGlover CGlover CHan DHan DHoffmann AHoffmann AJanssen IJanssen IKazlauskaite RKazlauskaite RLeurgans SLeurgans SMondal SMondal SMunoz LMunoz LNag SNag SO'Toole JO'Toole JOuyang BOuyang BRajan KRajan KRoss RRoss RBoyle PBoyle PBerry-Kravis EBerry-Kravis EJohnson TJohnson TAl-Harthi LAl-Harthi LBlock JBlock JGoetz CGoetz CStoub TStoub TTraynelis VTraynelis VVoigt RVoigt RVolgman AVolgman AWilson RWilson RSchoeny MSchoeny MOveisgharan SOveisgharan SBlizinsky KBlizinsky KHausdorff JHausdorff JKapasi AKapasi ALamar MLamar MLange-Maia BLange-Maia BTasaki STasaki SCapuano ACapuano AJames BJames BWang TWang TLi JLi JMathew AMathew ADesai PDesai PPoole VPoole VYang JYang JCrane MCrane MObeidat AObeidat ASood ASood AZammit AZammit AAvey DAvey DBishop-Royse JBishop-Royse JFarfel JFarfel JDhana KDhana KXu JXu Jde Paiva Lopes Kde Paiva Lopes KBarnes LBarnes LEstrella MEstrella MWagner MWagner MAgarwal PAgarwal PMehta RMehta RAgrawal SAgrawal SHolland THolland TMoro TMoro T
Minimum number of publications Minimum number of co-publications Year of most recent co-publication
any number any collaboration any year
Use the sliders to 1) hide authors who have fewer than the selected minimum number of publications, 2) hide lines that represent fewer than the selected minimum number of co-publications, or 3) hide lines that represent co-publications that were written before the selected year. Click the name of any author to re-center the graph on that person. Ctrl-click a name to view that person's network of co-authors. Alt-click a name to view that person's full profile. Shift-click a name to highlight the mutual co-authorships of that person's co-authors.

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