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Ira Miller

Co-Authors (14)

Co-Authors are people in Profiles who have published together.
This radial graph shows the co-authors (inner ring) and top co-authors of co-authors (outer ring) of Ira Miller. The size of the red circle around an author's name is proportional to the number of publications that he or she has. The thickness of a line connecting two authors' names is proportional to the number of publications that they share. Options for customizing this network view are listed below the graph.
Liptay MLiptay MJacobs JJacobs JDeutsch HDeutsch HBerger RBerger RCohen MCohen MCole BCole BForsythe BForsythe BGitelis SGitelis SInoue NInoue NRosenberg ARosenberg ASingh KSingh KTurner TTurner TVerma NVerma NWysocki RWysocki RYanke AYanke ATurian JTurian JAl-Khudari SAl-Khudari SBatra PBatra PChan EChan ECoogan CCoogan CDerman GDerman GDuan LDuan LEswaran SEswaran SFessler RFessler RGattuso PGattuso PGezer SGezer SJanssen IJanssen IKatz RKatz RLeslie WLeslie WLeurgans SLeurgans SMillikan KMillikan KNag SNag SNathan SNathan SOkwuosa TOkwuosa TO'Toole JO'Toole JPombar XPombar XProia LProia LMaki CMaki CPratap JPratap JRoss RRoss RBuvanendran ABuvanendran ABorgia JBorgia JMutlu EMutlu EReau NReau NBatus MBatus MCobleigh MCobleigh MFidler MFidler MVenugopal PVenugopal PSani SSani SSeder CSeder CStenson KStenson KTraynelis VTraynelis VUsha LUsha LWeinstein RWeinstein RJanardhan SJanardhan SSantos CSantos CRhee YRhee YFontes RFontes RMittal NMittal NMarwaha GMarwaha GMadrigrano AMadrigrano ARevenaugh PRevenaugh PTajudeen BTajudeen BDavid BDavid BJelinek MJelinek MBlank ABlank AKaras AKaras AVardouniotis AVardouniotis AUstun CUstun CCimbaluk DCimbaluk DDighe DDighe DShenaq DShenaq DBhaimia EBhaimia EAlex GAlex GForrest GForrest GSolmos GSolmos GMiller IMiller IJimenez JJimenez JPatil JPatil JSclamberg JSclamberg JCheng LCheng LEggerstedt MEggerstedt MLodhi MLodhi MRalls MRalls MSchmidt MSchmidt MSolari MSolari MGoyal NGoyal NFilip PFilip PPapagiannopoulos PPapagiannopoulos PShah PShah PAl-Sabti RAl-Sabti RGrostern RGrostern RAbreu-Sosa SAbreu-Sosa SJain SJain SSchimpke SSchimpke S
Minimum number of publications Minimum number of co-publications Year of most recent co-publication
any number any collaboration any year
Use the sliders to 1) hide authors who have fewer than the selected minimum number of publications, 2) hide lines that represent fewer than the selected minimum number of co-publications, or 3) hide lines that represent co-publications that were written before the selected year. Click the name of any author to re-center the graph on that person. Ctrl-click a name to view that person's network of co-authors. Alt-click a name to view that person's full profile. Shift-click a name to highlight the mutual co-authorships of that person's co-authors.

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