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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Moran, Meghan
overview My Scopus ID is 40762104000. Research Areas: I am a bone biologist interested in the molecular interactions between the gut, gut microbiome and bone as a mechanistic pathway to delaying or mitigating arthroplasty failure due to peri-implant particle-induced osteolysis. Osteolysis is inflammatory bone loss, in this case, stimulated by wear particles from the implant. The gut may provide a point of intervention in the inflammatory response to an orthopedic implant and the gut microbiome may act as a biomarker for implant health. My research may lead to a reduced need for invasive revision surgery, which is currently the treatment for failed implants. Previously, I focused on bone regeneration genetics to identify poor bone repair post-injury. My Faculty Profile at Rush University Medical Center: https://www.rushu.rush.edu/faculty/meghan-moran-phd My Laboratory: https://www.rushu.rush.edu/research/departmental-research/cell-molecular-medicine-research/laboratory-meghan-moran-phd My NCBI Bibliography: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/myncbi/browse/collection/40498281/?sort=date&direction=descending My Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56604656200 https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=40762104000 Education: PhD, Kent State University/Northeast Ohio Medical University
Search Criteria
  • Bone Regeneration