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One or more keywords matched the following properties of Kordower, Jeffrey
overview Other Appointments: Director, Section of Neurobiology Overview: Kordower is an international authority in the area of movement disorders with special expertise in pathophysiology and experimental therapeutic strategies in Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Huntington’s disease — especially using nonhuman primate models. He has published landmark papers in the area of cell replacement strategies, including the first demonstration that fetal dopaminergic grafts can survive, innervate and form synapses in patients with Parkinson’s disease that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine. His recent demonstration that long-term grafts in such patients can form Lewy bodies was recently published in Nature Medicine. Kordower has published seminal studies including the lead article in Science demonstrating that gene delivery of the trophic factors GDNF and neurturin can prevent the emergence of motor symptoms and nigrostriatal degeneration in a monkey model of PD. He also was the first to demonstrate that gene delivery of trophic factors can obviate neurodegenerative processes in nonhuman primate models of Huntington’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, with these studies being published in Nature and The Journal of Comparative Neurology, respectively. He has published numerous papers investigating the role of misfolded proteins in PD pathogenesis. These include papers in human and experimental PD on the role of alpha synuclein misfolding on Nurr1 and dopamine expression, lysosome and proteasome dysfunction, and axonal transport defects. He is a co-author on the landmark Nature paper lead by the Studer group demonstrating the structural and functional efficacy of dopaminergic human stem cells in rodent and nonhuman primate models of PD. In addition, he is collaborating with Trojanowski and Lee and recently demonstrated the ability of preformed fibrils to be transported in nonhuman primates and cause degeneration in nonhuman primates, a study that serves as the foundation of the current application. Kordower has published over 350 papers, has lectured all over the world, has been on over 20 editorial boards, and is on the SAB’s of many biotech companies and scientific organizations. He is a past councilor and past president of the American Society for Neural Transplantation, past chair for the Committee for the Use of Animals for SFN, and is a founding SAB member for the Michael J. Fox Foundation and is a past member of their Executive SAB. My Scopus ID is 7005337450. My NIH COMMONS name is JKORDOWER. Education PhD, Queens College, City University of New York MA, Queens College, City University of New York BA, Queens College, City University of New York
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Kordower, Jeffrey
Item TypeName
Concept alpha-Synuclein
Concept Synucleins
Academic Article Abnormal alpha-synuclein reduces nigral voltage-dependent anion channel 1 in sporadic and experimental Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article The native form of a-Synuclein: Monomer, tetramer, or a combination in equilibrium.
Academic Article How strong is the evidence that Parkinson's disease is a prion disorder?
Academic Article Can intrabodies serve as neuroprotective therapies for Parkinson's disease? Beginning thoughts.
Academic Article Lewy body-like pathology in long-term embryonic nigral transplants in Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article a-synuclein aggregation reduces nigral myocyte enhancer factor-2D in idiopathic and experimental Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article The prion hypothesis of Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Decreased alpha-synuclein expression in the aging mouse substantia nigra.
Academic Article Is alpha-synuclein in the colon a biomarker for premotor Parkinson's disease? Evidence from 3 cases.
Academic Article Nurr1 in Parkinson's disease and related disorders.
Academic Article Age-associated increases of alpha-synuclein in monkeys and humans are associated with nigrostriatal dopamine depletion: Is this the target for Parkinson's disease?
Academic Article Lewy body pathology in fetal grafts.
Academic Article Preface.
Academic Article Peripheral alpha-synuclein and Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Alterations in Activity-Dependent Neuroprotective Protein in Sporadic and Experimental Parkinson's Disease.
Academic Article Increased intestinal permeability correlates with sigmoid mucosa alpha-synuclein staining and endotoxin exposure markers in early Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Failure of proteasome inhibitor administration to provide a model of Parkinson's disease in rats and monkeys.
Academic Article Alpha-synuclein in colonic submucosa in early untreated Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article The role of alpha-synuclein in Parkinson's disease: insights from animal models.
Academic Article Alterations in lysosomal and proteasomal markers in Parkinson's disease: relationship to alpha-synuclein inclusions.
Academic Article Evaluation of alpha-synuclein immunohistochemical methods for the detection of Lewy-type synucleinopathy in gastrointestinal biopsies.
Academic Article Progression of intestinal permeability changes and alpha-synuclein expression in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Transfer of host-derived a synuclein to grafted dopaminergic neurons in rat.
Academic Article The prion hypothesis of Parkinson's disease: this hot topic just got hotter.
Academic Article Alterations in axonal transport motor proteins in sporadic and experimental Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Alpha-synuclein propagation: New insights from animal models.
Academic Article Parkinson's disease and prion disease: Straining the comparison.
Academic Article Robust graft survival and normalized dopaminergic innervation do not obligate recovery in a Parkinson disease patient.
Academic Article The Search for a Peripheral Biopsy Indicator of a-Synuclein Pathology for Parkinson Disease.
Academic Article Novel oligodendroglial alpha synuclein viral vector models of multiple system atrophy: studies in rodents and nonhuman primates.
Academic Article a-Synuclein nonhuman primate models of Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Targeting a-Synuclein as a therapy for Parkinson's disease: The battle begins.
Academic Article Mitochondrial pyruvate carrier regulates autophagy, inflammation, and neurodegeneration in experimental models of Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Multicenter Assessment of Immunohistochemical Methods for Pathological Alpha-Synuclein in Sigmoid Colon of Autopsied Parkinson's Disease and Control Subjects.
Academic Article Post-mortem assessment of the short and long-term effects of the trophic factor neurturin in patients with a-synucleinopathies.
Academic Article Therapeutic approaches to target alpha-synuclein pathology.
Academic Article Induction of alpha-synuclein pathology in the enteric nervous system of the rat and non-human primate results in gastrointestinal dysmotility and transient CNS pathology.
Academic Article Do subjects with minimal motor features have prodromal Parkinson disease?
Academic Article Analysis of age-related changes in psychosine metabolism in the human brain.
Academic Article Detecting Alpha Synuclein Seeding Activity in Formaldehyde-Fixed MSA Patient Tissue by PMCA.
Academic Article Proteasome-targeted nanobodies alleviate pathology and functional decline in an a-synuclein-based Parkinson's disease model.
Academic Article Loss of One Engrailed1 Allele Enhances Induced a-Synucleinopathy.
Academic Article Temporal evolution of microglia and a-synuclein accumulation following foetal grafting in Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Spreading of alpha-synuclein - relevant or epiphenomenon?
Academic Article Intrastriatal alpha-synuclein fibrils in monkeys: spreading, imaging and neuropathological changes.
Academic Article Endogenous alpha-synuclein monomers, oligomers and resulting pathology: let's talk about the lipids in the room.
Academic Article Long-term post-mortem studies following neurturin gene therapy in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article Anti-a-synuclein ASO delivered to monoamine neurons prevents a-synuclein accumulation in a Parkinson's disease-like mouse model and in monkeys.
Academic Article Inflammation in Experimental Models of a-Synucleinopathies.
Academic Article Viral-based rodent and nonhuman primate models of multiple system atrophy: Fidelity to the human disease.
Academic Article GDNF signaling in subjects with minimal motor deficits and Parkinson's disease.
Academic Article A historical review of multiple system atrophy with a critical appraisal of cellular and animal models.
Academic Article Corrigendum to "Anti-a-synuclein ASO delivered to monoamine neurons prevents a-synuclein accumulation in a Parkinson's disease-like mouse model and in monkeys" [EBioMedicine 2020; 59:102944].
Academic Article Distribution of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein in non-diseased brain implicates olfactory bulb mitral cells in synucleinopathy pathogenesis.
Academic Article Mixed pathology as a rule, not exception: Time to reconsider disease nosology.
Academic Article Neither alpha-synuclein-preformed fibrils derived from patients with GBA1 mutations nor the host murine genotype significantly influence seeding efficacy in the mouse olfactory bulb.
Search Criteria
  • Synucleins