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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Somberg, John
Item TypeName
Concept Electrocardiography, Ambulatory
Concept Electrocardiography
Academic Article The effect of magnesium sulfate on action potential duration and cardiac arrhythmias.
Academic Article Evaluation of a 12-lead digital Holter system for 24-hour QT interval assessment.
Academic Article Screening drugs for QT prolongation.
Academic Article The additive effects of the active component of grapefruit juice (naringenin) and antiarrhythmic drugs on HERG inhibition.
Academic Article Ventricular repolarization spectra.
Academic Article QT dispersion: still a useful measurement.
Academic Article The dynamics of QT dispersion.
Academic Article QT prolongation and serum sotalol concentration are highly correlated following intravenous and oral sotalol.
Academic Article A Rapid Method to Evaluate Cardiac Repolarization Changes: The Effect of Two Coffee Strengths on the QT Interval.
Academic Article Electrophysiologic evaluation of the antiarrhythmic effects of N-acetylprocainamide for ventricular tachycardia secondary to coronary artery disease.
Academic Article The treatment of ventricular rhythm disturbances.
Academic Article Multicenter trial of sotalol for suppression of frequent, complex ventricular arrhythmias: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled evaluation of two doses.
Academic Article The role of electrophysiologic testing in the selection of amiodarone therapy.
Academic Article Comparative study of encainide and quinidine in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias.
Academic Article Antiarrhythmic efficacy of ethmozine in patients with ventricular tachycardia as determined by programmed electrical stimulation.
Academic Article Supraventricular tachyarrhythmias: their evaluation and therapy.
Academic Article The antiarrhythmic effects of d-sotalol.
Academic Article Comparative efficacy of pirmenol and procainamide in a drug-resistant population with ventricular tachycardia.
Academic Article Evaluation of dosing interval and optimum dose of cibenzoline.
Academic Article Prolongation of QT interval and antiarrhythmic action of bepridil.
Academic Article Long term lorcainide therapy guided by electrophysiology studies.
Academic Article Therapy for late post infarction ventricular tachycardia.
Academic Article QT prolongation and the antiarrhythmic efficacy of amiodarone.
Academic Article Lorcainide therapy in a cardiac arrest population.
Academic Article Long-term lorcainide therapy in patients with ventricular tachycardia.
Academic Article Prolonged repolarization: a historical perspective.
Academic Article Flecainide: long-term treatment using a reduced dosing schedule.
Academic Article Antiarrhythmic effects of cibenzoline.
Academic Article The influence of spinal cord transection on the capacity of digitoxin to induce cardiotoxicity.
Academic Article New approaches to drug selection and serial drug testing.
Academic Article The effect of bepridil, verapamil, and quinidine in the prevention of ventricular tachycardia induced by programmed electrical stimulation in the digitalized dog.
Academic Article Antiarrhythmic action of bethanidine.
Academic Article Lorcainide therapy for the high-risk patient post myocardial infarction.
Academic Article Evaluation of lorcainide in patients with symptomatic ventricular tachycardia.
Academic Article Intravenous quinidine by intermittent bolus for electrophysiologic studies in patients with ventricular tachycardia.
Academic Article Pacing termination of ventricular tachycardia: influence of antiarrhythmic-slowed ectopic rate.
Academic Article Can nitroglycerin convert effort-induced angina in men into silent myocardial ischemia?
Academic Article A randomized comparative study of the electrophysiological and electrocardiographic effects of isradipine vs verapamil.
Academic Article Relation of left ventricular mass and QT dispersion in patients with systematic hypertension.
Academic Article QT interval dispersion in healthy subjects and survivors of sudden cardiac death: circadian variation in a twenty-four-hour assessment.
Academic Article Effect of intracoronary balloon inflation at percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty on QT dispersion.
Academic Article Lithium, hypercalcemia, and arrhythmia.
Academic Article Prostaglandin E1 : electrophysiological safety in patients with congestive heart failure and peripheral arterial occlusive disease. The Alprostadil Investigators.
Academic Article Hypercalcemia, arrhythmia, and mood stabilizers.
Academic Article Influence of electrolyte abnormalities on interlead variability of ventricular repolarization times in 12-lead electrocardiography.
Academic Article Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme therapy on QT interval dispersion.
Academic Article Usefulness of QT dispersion as an electrocardiographically derived index.
Academic Article Intravenous lidocaine versus intravenous amiodarone (in a new aqueous formulation) for incessant ventricular tachycardia.
Academic Article Hemodynamic and surface electrocardiographic effects of a new aqueous formulation of intravenous amiodarone.
Academic Article Differential effect of glyburide (glibenclamide) and metformin on QT dispersion: a potential adenosine triphosphate sensitive K+ channel effect.
Academic Article Arrhythmia therapy.
Search Criteria
  • Electrocardiography