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One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Sumner, Dale (Rick)
Item TypeName
Concept Osseointegration
Academic Article Locally delivered rhBMP-2 enhances bone ingrowth and gap healing in a canine model.
Academic Article Additive enhancement of implant fixation following combined treatment with rhTGF-beta2 and rhBMP-2 in a canine model.
Academic Article Implant placement increases bone remodeling transiently in a rat model.
Academic Article Sclerostin antibody treatment improves implant fixation in a model of severe osteoporosis.
Academic Article Pharmacologic augmentation of implant fixation in osteopenic bone.
Academic Article Porous implants as drug delivery vehicles to augment host tissue integration.
Academic Article Effects of radiation on fixation of non-cemented porous-coated implants in a canine model.
Academic Article Enhancement of bone ingrowth by transforming growth factor-beta.
Academic Article Bone ingrowth and wear debris in well-fixed cementless porous-coated tibial components removed from patients.
Academic Article Histology of porous-coated acetabular components. 25 cementless cups retrieved after arthroplasty.
Academic Article Revision, without cement, of aseptically loose, cemented total hip prostheses. Quantitative comparison of the effects of four types of medullary treatment on bone ingrowth in a canine model.
Academic Article A quantitative study of bone and soft tissues in cementless porous-coated acetabular components retrieved at autopsy.
Academic Article Experimental studies of bone remodeling in total hip arthroplasty.
Academic Article Remodeling and ingrowth of bone at two years in a canine cementless total hip-arthroplasty model.
Academic Article Nondestructive measurements of implant-bone interface shear modulus and effects of implant geometry in pull-out tests.
Academic Article Finite Element analyses to study periprosthetic bone adaptation.
Academic Article Implant surface alters compartmental-specific contributions to fixation strength in rats.
Academic Article The relative contribution of bone microarchitecture and matrix composition to implant fixation strength in rats.
Search Criteria
  • Osseointegration