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This page shows the details of why an item matched the keywords from your search.
One or more keywords matched the following items that are connected to Nho, Shane
Item TypeName
Concept Quadriceps Muscle
Concept Muscle Fatigue
Concept Muscle Strength
Concept Muscle, Skeletal
Academic Article Complications associated with subpectoral biceps tenodesis: low rates of incidence following surgery.
Academic Article Proximal humerus fracture after keyhole biceps tenodesis.
Academic Article Isolated vastus lateralis tendon avulsion.
Academic Article The use of manual therapy post-hip arthroscopy when an exercise-based therapy approach has failed: a case report.
Academic Article Anatomy of the Pudendal Nerve and Other Neural Structures Around the Proximal Hamstring Origin in Males.
Academic Article Editorial Commentary: Is Vitamin D the New Wheaties? Preventing Muscle Fatigue Could Keep Athletes in the Game.
Academic Article Patients With Unilateral Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome Have Asymmetrical Hip Muscle Cross-Sectional Area and Compensatory Muscle Changes Associated With Preoperative Pain?Level.
Academic Article Surface Mapping of the Musculotendinous Attachments at the Pubic Symphysis in Cadaveric Specimens: Implications for the Treatment of Core Muscle Injury.
Academic Article Defining Minimal Clinically Important Difference and Patient Acceptable Symptom State After Isolated Endoscopic Gluteus Medius Repair.
Academic Article Preoperative Hip Extension Strength Is an Independent Predictor of Achieving Clinically Significant Outcomes After Hip Arthroscopy for Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome.
Academic Article Is There a Role for Ultrasound in Hip Arthroscopy? A Systematic Review.
Academic Article Standardizing Muscle Strength Measurement in Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome: Response.
Academic Article Iliopsoas Bursitis Managed with Endoscopic Bursectomy and Lesser Trochanter Decompression: A Case Report.
Academic Article Ultrasound Can Determine Joint Distraction During Hip Arthroscopy but Fluoroscopic-Guided Portal Placement Is Superior.
Academic Article Ultrasound Demonstrates Potential in Identifying Proximal Femoral Morphology Before and After Cam Resection: A Cadaveric Study.
Academic Article Intraoperative Use of Ultrasound for Assessing Cam Deformity and Cam Resection.
Academic Article Surgical Treatment of Gluteus Medius Tears.
Academic Article Results of Endoscopic Labral Repair With Concomitant Gluteus Medius and/or Minimus Repair Compared With Outcomes of Labral Repair Alone: A Matched Comparative Cohort Analysis at Minimum 2-Year Follow-up.
Concept Hamstring Muscles
Search Criteria
  • Muscle
  • ultrasound